Eastern Credit Union’s story begins on a landmark day, April 16, 1973, rising from the legacy of the Bermudez Employees Credit Union. It was a humble yet bold beginning, with twenty-two visionary pioneers from the Bermudez Biscuit Company pooling together a mere $59.50. This modest sum symbolized not just the start of a financial institution, but the birth of a dream driven by unity and foresight.
In the early years, Eastern’s growth mirrored the dynamic industrial development in Aranguez, EL Socorro, and San Juan. By 1975, we began embracing a diverse array of businesses into our community. Notable names such as Cheese borough Ponds, Flavorite, YKK Zippers, and Holiday Foods joined the Eastern family, marking our first major steps towards diversification and inclusive growth.
These early decisions to expand and consolidate set the tone for our operations. Our journey was never just about financial transactions; it was about creating a bond that transcended traditional business relationships. This ethos of inclusivity and growth propelled us forward, breaking the usual confines and extending our reach to embrace every corner of Trinidad and Tobago.
Today, Eastern Credit Union stands as a testament to the power of community and collective vision. From a small group with a modest sum to a leading financial cooperative, our history is a story of relentless pursuit of growth, not just in size but in strength and unity. It isa journey that continues to inspire and guide us, as we write new chapters in our ever-evolving narrative.