Shape the Future with Our Education Loan
Education Loan
Invest in Education
Education Loan Details
We recognize the power of education and the importance of supporting our members in their educational aspirations. Our Education Loan is specifically designed to ease the financial burden of back-to-school expenses, including uniforms, sneakers, books, tuition, and more. With competitive terms and a supportive approach, we’re here to ensure that educational goals are within reach for you and your loved ones.
Required Documents for Application
- Share requirement details based on your Eastern Credit Union membership.
- Job Letter (for employed applicants).
- Recent salary slip (for employed applicants).
- Evidence of Income/Expenditure (for self-employed applicants).
- Bank Statements from the last 12 to 18 months (for self-employed applicants).
- Supporting Documents as per request.
Ready to Apply for an Education Loan?
Embark on a journey of educational growth with Eastern Credit Union. Fill out the form below with your details, choose your preferred branch, and let us help you invest in a brighter future through education. Our team is here to guide you every step of the way.
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Wedding Expenses Loan
Quick Loan Calculator
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